
Satellite systems and digital technologies in agriculture: state, problems, professional competencies


The goal is to study the possibilities of using digital technologies in agriculture, economic efficiency on the example of digital product "Cropio" – a satellite monitoring system. Methods – analysis, synthesis, comparison and analogy, selection of data and their detailing. The article shows the conditions for the implementation of information processes in agro-industrial complex, considers the current state, problems, substantiates the need for the use of smart technologies, clarifies the concept of "precision farming". The authors analyze the benefits of the Cropio program, which is used in agricultural sector of developed countries. Its functionality allows not only to control the sowing work, but also to determine soil moisture, its saturation with nutrients. It is noted that the program generates information on climatic and weather conditions, calculates the savings in material resources. The software components, their functions, installation process, acquisition mechanisms, and information are presented. Results – calculations of the expected economic effect from the use of this automation system were carried out, profitability and expediency of applying the methodology for evaluating investment were determined. Conclusions – technical and information solutions of the Cropio precision farming project are becoming more and more popular every year, confirming their promise, they can reduce labor costs, increase productivity of farmland, and therefore reduce cost of finished products. Observation of objects based on satellite navigation, computer technology and digital maps makes it possible to assess rationality and timeliness of financial resources, take into account a number of factors that affect market value and profitability of land, minimize various risks, optimize production activities through construction of new business processes.



About the Authors

S. N. Suieubayeva
D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University

Suieubayeva Saltanat Nurbolsynovna; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Acting Рrofessor at the School of Business and Entrepreneurship

070010 Serikbayev str., 19, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan

A. Gola
Lublin University of Technology

Gola Arkadiusz; Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department of Production Computerisation and Robotisation;

20-618 Nadbystrzycka str., 38D, Lublin, Poland

A. M. Zakimova
D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University

Zakimova Alfiya Manarbekovna  Candidate of Economic Sciences; Dean at the School of Business and Entrepreneurship

070010 Serikbayev str., 19, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan


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For citations:

Suieubayeva S.N., Gola A., Zakimova A.M. Satellite systems and digital technologies in agriculture: state, problems, professional competencies. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(2):81-93.

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)