
Agritourism as a promising direction for the development of rural areas


Agritourism in the system of modern tourist market occupies a special place. The organization and development of rural tourism in Kazakhstan is directly related to globalization and urbanization trends taking place in the modern world. Tourism industry is a form of tourism that can be organized in rural areas, it is becoming more and more popular and demanded by consumers. This sector allows reorienting rural residents to other activities that contribute to the growth of agrieconomy of remote settlements, preservation of ecosystems and cultural values, sustainable development of territories and solution of such problems as low level of social and engineering infrastructure, rural unemployment. In the State Program for the Development of Tourism Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2019-2025, significant attention is paid to agricultural tourism. The article focuses on its theoretical and practical foundations, the impact on the potential of rural settlements. Purpose – the factors of expanding the range of tourist services as a mechanism for ensuring the welfare of rural residents are considered and systematized. Methods – scientific generalization, classification, systemic, comparative, bibliographic analysis, abstract-logical. Results – the features of agricultural entrepreneurship as a successful tourist destination are analyzed, and its types are classified based on the results of the analysis. Taking into account international practices, the models of tourism agribusiness and their main characteristics are shown. Conclusions – the study of theory and practice of tourism sector indicates that spread of its scale contributes to the solution of economic, social and environmental problems in the country. The development of this industry is carried out progressively, based on existing world traditions and original specifics. Like in other states, it began to be considered as an important segment of modernization of agricultural economy, promising innovations in rural entrepreneurship.

About the Authors

R. Shokhan
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian national university

Shokhan Roza  Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism

010008 Satpayev str., 2, Astana, Kazakhstan

M. Kamenova
«Turan-Astana» University

Kamenova Mazken; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Professor of the Department of Design, service and tourism

010000 Dukenuly str., 29, Astana, Kazakhstan

B. Aimurzina
Astana International University

Aimurzina Baglan; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Professor of the Higher School of Economics

010000 Kabanbay batyr Ave., 8, Astana, Kazakhstan


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For citations:

Shokhan R., Kamenova M., Aimurzina B. Agritourism as a promising direction for the development of rural areas. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(2):62-70. (In Kazakh)

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