Models, forms and mechanisms of public-private partnership for the creation of competitive enterprises in agricultural sector
Issues and prospects of relations between the state and business have always been in the spotlight. They acquire particular relevance and significance when many sectors of economy need state support. The revision of the principles of agribusiness is fundamentally changing the approach to creating competitive enterprises in agricultural sector. One of the effective mechanisms is public-private partnership (PPP), which has not yet been fully studied, its potential has not been revealed. Successful implementation of PPP projects in grain products subcomplex requires an indepth study, generalization and systematization of the experience of their use by national and foreign companies that have achieved high results in this area. A detailed analysis of the directions for increasing the competitiveness of domestic grain industry, primarily targeted investment in the development of production, is needed. The goal is a comprehensive study of theoretical and methodological foundations for creating models of public-private partnership in the agro-industrial complex. Methods – synthesis, systematization of scientific views to determine the potential of PPP in agriculture. Results – essence and various interpretations of the concept of "public-private partnership" are shown, foreign experience in improving existing and emerging new forms of PPP as an institution for stimulating entrepreneurial activity is considered, the advantages of society, the state and business in the framework of public-private partnership are identified, as well as problems that constrain its development. Conclusions – based on the interpretation of the data, it has been established that discussions on PPP issues in the republic are due to the specifics and high risks in agricultural production, however, in a number of economically developed countries, this type of partnership has proven practical effectiveness and has become an important element in ensuring food security, attracting long-term investments in the agro-industrial complex, increasing its profitability, obtaining high quality products and their availability.
About the Authors
K. M. TireuovKazakhstan
G. S. Aitkhozhaeva
D. A. Aitmukhanbetova
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For citations:
Tireuov K.M., Aitkhozhaeva G.S., Aitmukhanbetova D.A. Models, forms and mechanisms of public-private partnership for the creation of competitive enterprises in agricultural sector. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(2):52-61.