
Ensuring food security: topical aspects


The goal is to identify the problems of ensuring the country's food security, structuring its elements. Methods – the work uses a systematic approach to data selection, methods of quantitative and qualitative research, principles of economic, statistical and comparative analysis. Results – the authors analyzed the industries and production involved in saturating the market with high-quality food products. It is shown that the key segments are rational consumption rates, food security, their physical and economic accessibility for all population groups, and potential growth opportunities. The levels of sustainable development of agricultural sector are considered in detail: state, regional from the position of the subject solving the food issue, main directions that form the food supply system of the state, importance of implementing its mechanisms is substantiated. In connection with the increase in the demand of domestic market for organic products, the need to intensify its cultivation is indicated. The expansion of the "bio" segment will contribute to the revitalization of rural areas, create competitive advantages. Conclusions – the priority is the implementation of a set of measures to increase the income of workers in this area, the development of social infrastructure for the livelihood of rural residents not below urban standards. Increasing investment in innovation requires effective, efficient public support for the introduction of highly productive animal breeds and lines and other modernization trends that promote intensification. The experience of economic policy that ensures high rates of expanded reproduction is available both in Kazakhstan and abroad. It is important to predict and prevent emerging threats and risks for the economy of the republic.

About the Authors

Ye. M. Abenov
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Abenov Yergali Mukhtarovich – Ph.D; Associate Professor of the Department of Management

010000 Satpaev str., 2, Astana, Kazakhstan

K. K. Khassenova
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Khassenova Kenzhegul Kalmuratovna; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Associate Professor of the Department of Management

010000 Satpaev str., 2, Astana, Kazakhstan

S. S. Ydyrys
H.A.Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

Ydyrys Serikbay Saduakasuly; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Professor of the Department of Public Administration and International Relations

161200 B.Sattarkhanov Ave., 29, Turkestan, Kazakhstan


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For citations:

Abenov Ye.M., Khassenova K.K., Ydyrys S.S. Ensuring food security: topical aspects. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(2):21-31. (In Kazakh)

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