The productivity of farm animals depending on the forms of management
One of the promising sectors of agricultural sector is production of livestock products, provision of high-quality food products, as well as goods for export purposes, and creation of state reserves. The development of livestock production sector, increasing productivity of animals and regulating domestic meat market, which is integrating into the world economy in the conditions of the EAEU, are the subject of research by domestic and foreign scientists. Purpose – the article is devoted to the study of economic efficiency of economic entities operating in the te rritory of Kazakhstan, their potential aimed at improving genetic indicators and increasing the number of livestock and poultry. Methods – statistical, comparisons and generalizations, logical approach to presentation. Results – the authors state an increase in the number of cattle and at the same time still low milk yields due to the concentration mainly in personal subsidiary plots with an insufficient level of selection and breeding work and introduction of new technologies. The authors consider some aspects related to the use of various breeds, in particular the dairy direction, based on the conversion rate, milk yield per 1 cow. A comparative analysis of productivity of new types and breeds of domestic selection revealed that the average milk yield per animal per lactation is 4.5-5.5 thousand kg compared to the prevailing in the republic in all categories of farms – 2.0-2.5 thousand kg Conclusions – the country has large areas of natural pastures, is traditionally a grain exporter, which contributes to the achievement of significant results in obtaining competitive beef both by increasing the number of meat contingent, obtaining high-quality breed resources, and by intensifying technologies, innovations, expanding the scale of fattening, increasing the mass of young animals sold for meat.
About the Authors
B. MakhatovKazakhstan
Makhatov Bolatkhan – Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Director of the Research Technology Institute of Animal Husbandry and Bioresurs
050010 Abay Ave., 8, Almaty, Kazakhstan
G. A. Kaliyev
Kaliyev Gani; Doctor of Economic Sciences, academician
050057 Satpayev str., 30b, Almaty, Kazakhstan
B. E. Rustembayev
Rustembayev Bazarkhan; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Chairman of the Management Board
050057 Satpayev str., 30b, Almaty, Kazakhstan
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For citations:
Makhatov B., Kaliyev G.A., Rustembayev B.E. The productivity of farm animals depending on the forms of management. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(2):13-20. (In Russ.)