"Green" Economy: Realities and Prospects in Agriculture in the Republic of Kazakhstan
The issues of "green" economy as a paradigm for the development of agricultural sector of the country's economy is analyzed. The main elements of the transition to ecosystems are summarized: price regulation in accordance with the basic principles of sustainable development of rural areas; reforming and developing an "ecological" tax system; sustainable public investments and their increase in natural capital; socially oriented strategies. The ways of implementing the concept of "green" economy: general economic and technological are shown. The main objectives of its development as significantly reducing the adverse impact on the environment and risks of environmental degradation are determined, as well as the possibilities and prerequisites for expanding its sphere in agriculture of the republic. It is noted that several projects have already been implemented in Kazakhstan that fully meet environmental criteria. It is indicated that in rural areas there are necessary conditions for production process of organic products. Data on organic producers of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other types of operators in the world are presented. As a result of the study, it was concluded that the ultimate goal of green economy is to create living conditions that optimize the interaction of its financial, environmental and social components, the relationship with the most advanced agricultural enterprises, the development of environmental management support programs that stimulate the formation of innovative networks and cluster structures in rural areas. The main principle of "green" economy is the expansion of organic agriculture sector, introduction of certificates for environmentally friendly products and increase in their exports.
About the Authors
Zh. S. BulkhairovaKazakhstan
Bulkhairova Zhanna Serikovna; PhD, Associate Professor
Nur-Sultan, 010011 Zhenis avenue 62
A. O. Alieva
Alieva Ardak Omirkalikyzy; Master of Economic Sciences
Aktobe, 030000 Moldagulova ave. 34
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For citations:
Bulkhairova Zh.S., Alieva A.O. "Green" Economy: Realities and Prospects in Agriculture in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;(1):37-43. https://doi.org/10.46666/2021-1-2708-9991.04