


The stages of formation and development of land market in the republic since the moment of gaining sovereignty have been studied and characterized. The objectives in the field of rational use of agricultural land set in the National Plan - 100 specific steps have been considered. The main provisions of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Amendments and Additions to the Land Code" dated 2.11.2015, which caused a lot of discontent expressed by the population with regard to the proposed amendments, have been considered. The main provisions of the new draft law approved in the first reading at the plenary session of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 29.11.17, which provides a ban on granting agricultural land which is located in the border zone, to foreigners, persons without citizenship, to citizens of Kazakhstan who are married to foreigners or persons without citizenship, foreign legal entities and legal entities with foreign ownership. The present state of development of agricultural land market is described in the current moratorium on some amendments to the Land Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (until 31.12.2021). The availability of agricultural land for foreign land users has been analyzed prior to the introduction of a moratorium in terms of regions and enterprises with participation of foreigners. Recommendations on consideration of the issue of providing agricultural land for rent to foreigners, as an additional tool to attract investment in agriculture and agro-industrial complex.

About the Author

Г. Құрманова
С. Сейфуллин атындағы Қазақ агротехникалық университеті


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For citations:

. Problems of AgriMarket. 2017;(4):163-167. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)