


The importance of soy beans in human life as a source of natural vegetable protein, which has practically no analogues has been considered. The volume of its use in the world and the Republic of Kazakhstan is shown. The main indicators of production of this crop which is included in the top ten producing countries, are presented. The emphasis was placed on concentration of soybean cultivation in Almaty region (95%) and increasing demand for Kazakhstan soy beans in China, as it is one of the largest consumers of soybeans in the world. The materials of the article include statistical data on sowing areas and gross harvest of soybeans in 2011-2015. A comparative economic analysis of soybean production in five years was carried out. The authors point out the need to increase soy beans products market. It was revealed that in order to increase the competitiveness of soy beans products it is necessary to increase production volumes, reduce costs, increase yields. Recommendations on solving social and economic problems through production of soy beans products were proposed.

About the Authors

Г. Лухманова
І.Жансүгіров атындағы Жетісу мемлекеттік университеті

С. Абдықалық
І.Жансүгіров атындағы Жетісу мемлекеттік университеті


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5. Лухманова Г.К. Современное состояние мирового рынка масличных культур // ІІІ Рыскуловские чтения «Бизнес, наука, образование: грани сотрудничества».- Алматы. - 2008. - С. 510-515.

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For citations:

, . Problems of AgriMarket. 2017;(4):145-150. (In Russ.)

Views: 124

ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)