


Mixed fodder industry plays an important role in raising livestock and poultry production, which produces mixed feed for all types and age groups of animals, poultry and fish. Due to the use of mixed fodder which is balanced with all nutrients, the productivity of animals is increasing. The paper shows the feed industry development in various countries, as a new industry. In Kazakhstan, a program of partial subsidizing of costs of purchasing mixed fodders is implemented aimed to support the enterprises of this branch, budgetary funds allocated to livestock and poultry enterprises aimed to reduce feed costs are increased. The results of implementation of large innovative and investment projects in the republic have been presented: establishment of production cluster and construction of a feed mill in Kokshetau by the renowned German concern AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG. The functioning of a modern and high-tech production cluster made it possible to adopt integrated European quality standards for production of mixed fodder. In the frame of the State programs, the construction of domestic high-tech plants for production of mixed feeds is being implemented: agroindustrial complex, feed mill in the free economic zone "Khorgos - the eastern gate" and the implementation of other projects aimed at raising of Kazakhstan livestock production.

About the Authors

С. Мизанбекова
Казахский национальный аграрный университет

Г. Нурманбекова
Казахский национальный аграрный университет


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For citations:

, . Problems of AgriMarket. 2017;(4):112-117. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)