


Features of bread and bakery products market development in the Republic of Kazakhstan are considered, problems are analyzed. Bread and bakery products belong to the goods of strategic importance, and for consumers are products of primary necessity and primary demand, therefore the analysis of the functioning of this industry is highly relevant. In the article the dynamics of production volumes of bakery products in the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2014-2016 is presented. Economic analysis in this segment was conducted, dominant and main players on market of bread and bakery products in Almaty and Almaty region were determined. The analysis of the activity indicators of the bakery complex of LLP Almaty for 2010-2017 is presented, the correlation and regression analysis of the factors that have a significant impact on the enterprise's income is carried out. A multifactorial regression model is constructed and an economic interpretation of the results of regression statistics is determined, activity is predicted for subsequent periods, factors determining the quality of bread and bakery products are determined. Increasing the share of bakery products contributes to the development of the bakery industry, providing the population with a healthy food products, accelerating the country's innovative development.

About the Author

Ж. Мұхаметжанова
Нархоз университеті


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For citations:

. Problems of AgriMarket. 2018;(2):225-231. (In Russ.)

Views: 318

ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)