


The labor market as a multi-faceted, heterogeneous, dynamic system of socioeconomic relations is designed to ensure the reproduction and effective use of labor. With the development of scientific, technical, technological and informational progress, the role of the labor market is growing. One of the factors of effective production is the labor potential. The agricultural reforms carried out in the country have revealed important issues in the sphere of labor market formation and regulation, which require an early solution. The article deals with the problems of rural employment, which have significantly worsened in the transformation period, due to the reduction in the volume of agricultural production and social infrastructure of the village. There is a need to develop and apply new market mechanisms for regulating employment in order to increase the economic activity of the rural population, reduce unemployment in rural regional territories, and increase the incomes of rural residents. The analysis showed that rural labor resources are the fundamental element of the productive potential of agriculture and the main driving force of the innovative development of the agricultural sector in the region. On the background of the decrease in the efficiency of the use of labor potential, which is typical for most regions of Kazakhstan, the direction to strengthen the manageability of the labor market is relevant. The article proposes measures to promote the development of the rural labor market, improve the living standards of the rural population.

About the Authors

С. Беспалый
Инновационный Евразийский университет

А. Нарынбаева
Инновационный Евразийский университет

Л. Кашук
Инновационный Евразийский университет


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For citations:

, , . Problems of AgriMarket. 2018;(2):209-214. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)