


Kazakhstan is one of the largest exporters of wheat and one of the top ten world leaders. More than one third of the crop is annually sent to foreign countries. The authors analyzed the main statistical indicators that characterize the wheat market in the republic, show the current situation and the dynamics of its development in recent years. The indicators are presented in comparison with the average values for the country and regions. The process of wheat production is influenced by various factors: weather conditions, agrotechnologies, seed reproduction, and the quality of Kazakhstani wheat is very important. In the article the factors preventing the stable development of wheat market are considered, the main ones are as follows: low production profitability, the need for constant updating of machinery, working capital. The authors justified the reasons for the reduction of wheat areas in the republic, the decreased grain quality. The dynamics of export of Kazakhstan wheat by directions is presented. As an exporter of wheat, in order to maintain competitiveness, it is necessary to constantly improve its quality indicators. Kazakhstan has the resources to increase the profitability of wheat market. It is important that its producers have the opportunity to carry out the necessary agrotechnical measures due to their own profits.

About the Authors

Е. Гриднева
Академия «Кайнар»

Г. Калиакпарова
Академия «Кайнар»

О. Гусева
Компания ТОО ««Petroleum»


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For citations:

, , . Problems of AgriMarket. 2018;(2):148-154. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)