


The main problems of regulation of leasing relations are considered. The role of leasing in the economy and leasing financing is shown. According to leasing companies data, the main parameters of leasing market in Kazakhstan are analyzed. Currently, there are four main areas of organizing leasing in the country. The stipulated value of financial leasing contracts is determined, the volumes of activity of leasing companies and leasing providers on market are shown. The current state and prospects of domestic leasing development are analyzed. A comparative analysis of the development of leasing operations is presented. Three main stages of leasing relations management have been identified. The advantages of leasing and its difference from a bank loan are presented. In recent years, several large leasing companies have left the Kazakhstani market or completely stopped financing leasing operations. The significant potential of domestic investors - suppliers of leasing services and the ability of government structures to guarantee the development of leasing relations are shown. The main attention is paid to the analysis of leasing market in national economy and the volume of new leasing transactions of Kazakhstani leasing companies. The ways of improving leasing activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan are suggested.

About the Author

А. Өтешова
Қазақ-Орыс Халықаралық университеті


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For citations:

. Problems of AgriMarket. 2018;(2):125-131. (In Russ.)

Views: 259

ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)