
Relevant issues of social and economic stability of rural areas of the Republic of Kazakhstan


The article reveals theoretical and methodological aspects of assessing the sustainable development of rural areas in Kazakhstan. In the course of the analysis, the authors revealed that economically stable and socially developed rural areas will become the basis of stability, independence and food security of the country. Changes in the number of rural population, natural growth and migration growth in recent years have been analyzed. The main socio-economic indicators of development of the Kazakh countryside are presented. The authors state that the losses are mainly observed in the spheres of professional, scientific and technical activities. It is concluded that the problems of improving the level and quality of life in the countryside should not be solved by the old costly methods. The conditions and opportunities for the development of rural areas are diverse in the republic. In this regard, studies aimed at assessing the potential of rural settlements, as well as the effectiveness of the activities of State and local authorities in ensuring sustainable development of rural areas, become relevant. The generalization of literary sources and foreign experience showed the importance of the main directions of public support for rural residents, the implementation of which contributes to the efficient use of agricultural resources, modernization of production and development of innovative technologies, formation of conditions for the intensive development of small business and entrepreneurship in rural areas, the increase in the employment level of rural residents due to expanding the scope of non-agricultural activities and more fully involving rural labor resources in economic turnover, increasing their level of income.

About the Authors

A. B. Kizimbayeva
Sh.Yessenov Caspian State University of Technology and Engineering

 Kizimbayeva Azhar Burkitovna; Candidat of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of Management Department

Aktau, 130000 32 mkr.

B. S. Saubetova
Sh.Yessenov Caspian State University of Technology and Engineering

 Saubetova Bibigul Suleimenovna; Candidat of Economic Sciences; Head of Finance Department

Aktau, 130000 32 mkr.


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For citations:

Kizimbayeva A.B., Saubetova B.S. Relevant issues of social and economic stability of rural areas of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;(1):22-27.

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ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)