


The world tendencies of production development are considered and key indicators of the organic agricultural products market are given. In Kazakhstan organic production has been cultivated for more than 10 years, during the last 5-7 years the organic products market has been formed. The article reflects the results of research on the organic flax market and prices for it, substantiates the proposals on the transition of agribusinesses to the organic method of agricul- tural production. A model of transition to the ecologically and economically efficient system of production of flax and apples is proposed based on the example of specific peasant farms in the Almaty and Kostanay regions. The model consists of a chain of successive operations including assessment of the environmental suitability of land to product sales to the consumer and creating added value. The production will have important consumer characteristics: ecological, aesthetic, social, etc. The implementation of the model of transition of agribusinesses to organic production methods contributes to the replenishment of the niche of ecologically clean products available on the domestic agricultural market, the creation of opportunities for the export of organic food products and agricultural raw materials to international markets, income of organic producers at the expense of added value.

About the Authors

В. Григорук
Казахский научно-исследовательский институт экономики АПК и развития сельских территорий

Ч. Акимбекова
Казахский научно-исследовательский институт экономики АПК и развития сельских территорий

Е. Климов
Казахский научно-исследовательский институт экономики АПК и развития сельских территорий

Ж. Досумова
Казахский научно-исследовательский институт экономики АПК и развития сельских территорий


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For citations:

, , , . Problems of AgriMarket. 2018;(2):82-89. (In Russ.)

Views: 242

ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)