


The directions of the State policy of support of small business, necessary for economic stability, development of market infrastructure, effective protection of intellectual property, reduction of administrative procedures are shown. At the same time, the market mechanism allows to prioritize, the State implements the correction of the development of innovative small business. The experience of developed countries is presented, which is characterized by the expansion of small business based on the development of infrastructure as a component of the regional potential. It was revealed that small businesses need communication with organizations which provide information, lending, marketing, patenting and other services that contribute to the formation of scientific based sector of economy and a highly effective innovation mechanism. The infrastructure of entrepreneurship is shown as a set of mutually complementary production and technical systems for the implementation of innovative activity. In Kazakhstan, support for small business is an important element of the State economic policy. The comprehensive approach is very important which involves the effective use of public resources, as well as forms of support for territorial government.

About the Author

N. A. Umbetaliev
Shymkent University. The institute of economics


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For citations:

Umbetaliev N.A. DEVELOPMENT OF SMALL BUSINESS IN AIC. Problems of AgriMarket. 2018;(2):74-81. (In Russ.)

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