
Subsidizing the dairy industry in Kazakhstan: status, problems, solutions


The goal is to increase the competitiveness of domestic dairy products, which can be achieved through the use of advanced technologies and effective public support measures that stimulate the growth of labor productivity and ensure the country's food security.

Methods – the study was conducted on the basis of the use of monographic and abstract-logical methods.

Results – it is shown that the level of state regulation depends on each industry. The most common method of specialization in agricultural sector is subsidizing agricultural enterprises, aimed at reducing costs of low-profit farms, increasing the volume of food production. In Kazakhstan, one of the problematic areas of the agro-industrial complex that needs subsidies is production of milk and dairy products. The article discusses the current situation in this market segment of the republic, the degree of provision of the population with them, based on consumption rates per capita and the features of public assistance measures in the development of dairy cattle breeding. An analysis of target payments from the budget for the dairy subcomplex, dynamics over the past five years (2018-2022) is given. The provision of the population with dairy products depends on the current system of dairy processing enterprises and their workload with raw materials.

Conclusions – the article focuses on production of raw milk, hard cheese, milk powder, butter. The loading of dairy plants with raw materials must be increased to 80%. There is an urgent need to solve the problems of reducing import dependence. As part of these tasks, the State has significantly expanded support for farmers engaged in dairy farming, taking into account the strengthening of forage base, improving quality of fodder, rational land use, increasing the yield of fodder and fodder crops, improving the structure of sown areas, innovative and investment modernization, and providing highly qualified personnel.

About the Authors

A. B. Moldashev
Kazakh Research Institute of Economy of Agro-Industrial Complex and Rural Development

Moldashev Altynbek B.; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Сhief Researcher

050057 Satpaev str., 30б, Almaty

S. T. Zhumasheva
Kazakh Research Institute of Economy of Agro-Industrial Complex and Rural Development

Zhumasheva Saule T.; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associated Professor; Sciences Secretary

050057 Satpaev str., 30б, Almaty

G. A. Jambayeva
Kazakh Research Institute of Economy of Agro-Industrial Complex and Rural Development

Jambayeva Gulzada A.; Senior Researcher

050057 Satpaev str., 30б, Almaty


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For citations:

Moldashev A.B., Zhumasheva S.T., Jambayeva G.A. Subsidizing the dairy industry in Kazakhstan: status, problems, solutions. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(1):71-79. (In Russ.)

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