
Youth policy in rural areas: the need for a change of focus


Purpose – to analyze the problems of retaining young professionals in the countryside, factors influencing the choice of work in rural areas and determining migration behavior; show the role of youth policy in rural areas; new approaches to youth employment.

Methods – theoretical basis of the study was the results of fundamental and applied developments of domestic and foreign scientists, leading experts on the problems of the activities of young personnel on the b asis of indicators of the dynamics of development of the young generation in the republic and its regions.

Results – the conditions affecting the adaptation of young specialists to the conditions of rural areas are considered, promising directions for their professional growth are identified, the need for self-determination and realization of creative abilities, creation of favorable economic, social and legal guarantees is proved. To date, the Republic of Kazakhstan has accumulated experience of its own development path in this area, which allows to talk about the Kazakhstani model of youth personnel policy in the countryside. An assessment of the effectiveness of implemented measures is given. Recommendations have been developed on introduction of effective means of supporting young workers, which can be used to create strategic, tactical, operational plans and programs aimed at increasing the production of the agricultural sector of Kazakhstan.

Conclusions – based on the experience of foreign countries, specific (targeted) work should be carried out with various categories of young people. It is necessary to improve the information base for assessing the effectively implemented youth policy and adjusting managerial decisions and activities at the regional level.

About the Authors

A. E. Mukhanova
Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University

Mukhanova Aigul E.; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Acting As- sociated Professor of the Department of Economics and Management

120014 Aiteke bi str., 29 а, Kyzylorda

Zh. B. Smagulova
Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University

Smagulova Zhanna B.; Master of Economics; Senior Lecturer of the Department of Eco- nomics and Management

120014 Aiteke bi str., 29 а, Kyzylorda

A. S. Belgibayeva
Sh. Valikhanov Kokshetau University

Belgibayeva Anargul S.; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associated Professor; Pro- fessor of the Department of Business and Services

020000, Abay str., 76, Kokshetau


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For citations:

Mukhanova A.E., Smagulova Zh.B., Belgibayeva A.S. Youth policy in rural areas: the need for a change of focus. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(1):199-208. (In Kazakh)

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