
Rice growing in Kazakhstan: internal reserves and competitiveness


The goal is to determine the current state and development trends of agricultural enterprises in the Kyzylorda region of the Republic of Kazakhstan and their economic potential, directions for innovative development and increasing profitability of rice production.

Methodssystematic approach, comparisons, systematization, generalization of data.

Results – rice takes the third place in the menu of Kazakhstanis after bread and meat. Rice growing is an important component of ensuring the country's food security and has great export opportunities. The problems of the industry are shown, which reduce the volume of cultivation of this crop, limit exports, and do not contribute to improving the quality of products and expanding their market: low level of material and technical equipment; creation of cluster farms; lack of high-yielding zoned varieties; integration between the subjects of agro-industrial complex in the process of processing, storage, transportation.

Conclusions – the study allowed the authors to prioritize the expansion of crop rotation and the use of highly productive species; formation of investment funds from nonbudgetary and budgetary sources; the use of the leasing mechanism as a means of providing the necessary equipment at competitive prices; development of a system of agrotechnical measures, while it is recommended to improve the condition of inter-farm and on-farm main canals, drainage systems, in order to increase their efficiency. The increase in the range of rice products is the result of the interaction of organizational-production, natural-climatic and socio-economic factors. The special role of the introduction of resource-saving and innovative technologies is emphasized, which is impossible without public support for agricultural producers in reconstruction of rice irrigation systems, subsidizing seed production, updating mechanization, and buying fertilizers. The need to increase the size of subsidies is associated with a sharp increase in prices for fuels and lubricants and other inventory items for sowing and harvesting.

About the Authors

A. Zh. Bukharbayeva
Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University

Bukharbayeva Akmaral Zh.; Ph.D; Senior Lecturer

120014 Aiteke bi str.,29A, Kyzylorda

G. U. Akimbekova
Kazakh Research Institute of Economy of Agro-Industrial Complex and Rural Development

Akimbekova Galiya U.; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Deputy Chairman of the Board

050057 Satpayev str., 30b, Almaty

G. E. Kerimbek
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Kerimbek Galymzhan E.; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Accounting

050040 Al-Farabi Ave., 71, Almaty


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For citations:

Bukharbayeva A.Zh., Akimbekova G.U., Kerimbek G.E. Rice growing in Kazakhstan: internal reserves and competitiveness. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(1):123-130. (In Kazakh)

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