Creation of agricultural cooperatives: implementation of activities in the framework of the Pilot project aimed to increase the incomes of the rural population in the Zhambyl region of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The goal is to evaluate the results of the implementation of measures to organize agricultural cooperatives in the framework of the Pilot Project to increase the income of the population in rural areas of the Zhambyl region.
Methods – analytical, economics-statistical, monographic.
Results – on the basis of the analysis of the activities of existing and newly created agricultural entities of cooperative type, the existing problems at the stage of their formation and functioning, providing necessary equipment, machinery, equipment, working capital, the main reasons hindering their development were identified; the stages of formation of agricultural cooperatives, their impact on the development of AIC of the region, the expected results of the project were d etermined; explanatory work was carried out on the mechanism of intraeconomic relations in a cooperative, the correct preparation of constituent documents, taxation features, accounting and reporting; calculations of the estimated costs, economic efficiency of cooperation in animal husbandry, crop production, storage, primary processing and marketing of agricultural products, logistics of agricultural producers are presented. Scientifically substantiated optimal parameters of promising models of associations based on cooperative principles have been developed in accordance with their areas of activity.
Conclusions – the process of cooperation of small farms affects not only economic growth of the main branches of agriculture by reducing costs, increasing production of agricultural products, but also the development of infrastructure, ensuring stable sale of manufactured goods, as well as improving the living standard in the countryside by expanding areas application of labor, creating prerequisites for expanding the scale of rural entrepreneurship. A phased organization of a multilevel system of agricultural cooperatives is recommended, acting in conjunction with state (local) bodies, as well as their financial and public organizations.
About the Authors
G. U. AkimbekovaKazakhstan
Akimbekova Galiya U.; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Deputy Chairman of the Board
050057 Satpayev str., 30b, Almaty
A. B. Baymukhanov
Baymukhanov Askar B.; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Head of the Department of Development of Processing and Logistics of Agricultural Products
050057 Satpayev str., 30b, Almaty
U. R. Kaskabaev
Kaskabaev Ulan R.; Master of Economic Sciences; Head of the Department of Cooperation and Integration in Agriculture
050057 Satpayev str., 30b, Almaty
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For citations:
Akimbekova G.U., Baymukhanov A.B., Kaskabaev U.R. Creation of agricultural cooperatives: implementation of activities in the framework of the Pilot project aimed to increase the incomes of the rural population in the Zhambyl region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(1):181-189. (In Russ.)