
Export of Kazakh grain: main directions and prospects


The goal is quantitative and qualitative assessment of the export potential, as well as designation of the main prospects for the development of grain economy in Kazakhstan.

Methods – bibliometric, economic-statistical, comparative, system analysis, logical.

Results – it is shown that global recession, rising gas and fuel prices have a negative impact on the increase in agricultural sector of the republic; bibliographic review of primary sources was carried out to determine organizational conditions for production and sale of grain to foreign markets, as well as the latest scientific achievements that contribute to the growth of grain exports; economic factors affecting export opportunities are analyzed; the level of self-sufficiency of grain products, the ratio of export and consumption of products of its processing are calculated; rating of indicators affecting food security and export activity was established, where the problems of depreciation of agricultural equipment and low domestic purchase prices for grains were highlighted; obstacles and shortcomings in   organization of infrastructure of the industry for grain cultivation, taking into account disruption and rise in cost of logistics supplies, lack of access to the sea, underdevelopment of reclamation facilities and irrigation canals, lack of grain wagons and general price volatility, were considered; preferential conditions for the supply of Kazakhstani grain crops are substantiated.

Conclusions – favorable prerequisites for the export potential of grain are summarized based on enhancement of state preventive measures, capital attraction, introduction of digitalization in agricultural sector, construction of new agro-industrial complexes, elevators and transport routes, creation of the necessary financial and material conditions for agricultural producers. To solve the problem of increasing the competitiveness of the country's grain subcomplex, it is necessary to provide quick transition of the industry to a new technological basis, which will be possible with effective public financial assistance.

About the Authors

Sh. A. Smagulova
K. Sagadiyev University of International Business

Smagulova Sholpan A.; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Professor of the Department of Finance and Accounting

050010 Abay Ave., 8а, Almat

D. Sh. Kozhakhmetova
Narxoz University

Kozhakhmetova Dilbar Sh.; Ph.D student; Scientific and Educational Department of International Relations and Management

050035 Zhandosova str., 55, Almaty

G. S. Ismuratova
A.Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University

Ismuratova Galiya S.; Doctor of Economic Sciences; Professor of the Department of Accounting and Management

110000 A. Baitursynov str., 47, Kostanay


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For citations:

Smagulova Sh.A., Kozhakhmetova D.Sh., Ismuratova G.S. Export of Kazakh grain: main directions and prospects. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(1):50-56. (In Russ.)

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