Formation of marketing environment in agro-industrial complex
One of the main directions of development of the country's economy is the domestic agro-industrial complex. Currently, agricultural industry faces many problems, including high depreciation of its fixed assets, lack of production resources and shortage of qualified personnel, since most of them are concentrated in households, which in turn reduces the level of economic activity and product quality.
The goal is to study economic mechanism of functioning of the marketing environment to improve the efficiency of functioning of enterprises in agricultural sector. The article discusses the features of marketing services in the field of agro-industrial production. The object of the study is the agriculture of the Akmola region of Kazakhstan.
Methods – statistical analysis using sectoral information from official statistics and publications in scientific literature, secondary information, commodity policy technologies.
Result – internal and external factors influencing the organization of marketing activities of the Akmola region in sectors of the AIC, trends in potential demand, sales volume, competitive advantages are analyzed, appropriate proposals are prepared.
Conclusions – at the regional level, information is provided on consumer preferences, strengths and weaknesses of competitors, forecasting changes in market conditions. The marketing approach is the process of creating a product, determining the price, marketing and promotion strategies. In modern conditions of the need to expand the capabilities of the agricultural economy on the background of lack of financial resources for agro-industrial production entities, in order to increase competitiveness, their own marketing programs should be developed and implemented. The most important, in the opinion of the authors, at the present time are the provision of information and consulting support to commodity producers, as well as attracting investment in agricultural sector.
About the Authors
B. E. RustembayevKazakhstan
Rustembayev Bazarkhan; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Chairman of the Management Board
050057 Satpayev str., 30b, Almaty
G. K. Abdigul
Abdigul Gulzhaukhar; Ph.D student
010011 Zhenis Ave., 62, Astana
Zh. A. Amangeldiyeva
Amangeldiyeva Zhanar; Ph.D student; Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship
010000 Kazhymukhan str., 11, Astana
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For citations:
Rustembayev B.E., Abdigul G.K., Amangeldiyeva Zh.A. Formation of marketing environment in agro-industrial complex. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(1):13-22. (In Kazakh)