
Competitive strategy of the dairy subcomplex based on product diversity


The goal is to develop competitive strategies for dairy industry enterprises that take into account changes taking place in the global and domestic markets.

Methods systemic and situational, questioning, economic analysis, as well as abstract-logical, expert assessments, statistical-economic, comparisons and generalizations.

Results the results of marketing research of the competitiveness of national producers of milk and dairy products is shown; comparative analysis of the activities of firms processing dairy raw materials was carried out. Specific measures have been outlined for the implementation of priority areas for production of dairy products in Kazakhstan. The results of SWOT-analysis and benchmarking allow a full-scale and fairly objective assessment of the company's competitive position in the industry.

Conclusions it was revealed that the process of formation of competitive environment and the use of key competencies of economic entity include a number of interrelated functions. The market niche for the manufacture of dairy products is characterized by a large number of relationships, while each of its participants has its own economic interests, contradictions between them can be resolved with the help of effective state regulation. It is necessary to improve the infrastructure support of dairy subcomplex, which is still underdeveloped today. It is important to develop the information segment on the basis of information-analytical, marketing and advertising centers; it is necessary to carry out the work to increase the competitiveness of domestic dairy products in the Kazakhstani and foreign markets by improving the quality, expanding the range, effective pricing policy and more active promotion of domestic brands. Attention should be paid to such priority areas as the selection of dairy cattle, increasing their productivity and biological value, the use of advanced methods for obtaining and primary processing of dairy raw materials, as well as effective control over its quality on dairy farms. The creation of enterprise competition strategies involves taking into account many factors: economic, technological, social, legal, the analysis of each of which helps the manager to have his own vision and understanding of the situation.

About the Authors

K. B. Zhumanazarov
Kazakh University of Technology and Business

Zhumanazarov Kasymkhan B.; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Management

010000 Kayym Mukhametkhanova str., 37A, Astana

Z. R. Karbetova
Kazakh University of Technology and Business

Karbetova Zatira R.; Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor; Professor of the Department of Economics and Management

010000 Kayym Mukhametkhanova str., 37A, Astana

Sh. R. Karbetova
Kazakh Academy of Labor and Social Relations

Karbetova Sholpan R.; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Accounting

050000 st. Nauryzbay Batyra, 9; Almaty


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Supplementary files


For citations:

Zhumanazarov K.B., Karbetova Z.R., Karbetova Sh.R. Competitive strategy of the dairy subcomplex based on product diversity. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(1):139-150. (In Kazakh)

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