Flour market in Kazakhstan: key aspects
The aim is to study the structure and mechanism of functioning of flour market in Kazakhstan.
Methods – used official information of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan, analysis, synthesis, comparison grouping.
Results – general description is given and indicators of its producers at the world level are analyzed: leaders of production, structure, share of continents in exports, the largest importers of this most important wheat grain processing product are identified. On the basis of statistical data, development of flour-grinding industry of the republic over the past five years is shown according to such criteria as: the balance of supply and demand, main indicators of the living standard of the population, rational norms of food consumption per capita, structure of consumer spending, food price index. Unevenness and decrease in production volumes in dynamics are noted. Information about the factors that determine the value of cost of this product is presented.
Conclusions – based on the results of the study, the authors state a decrease in the scale of flour production and increase in prices for it, due to the negative impact of the Covid-19 coronovirus, special military operation of the Russian Federation in Ukraine on the economy of all countries of the world, including Kazakhstan. It is substantiated that sustainable increase in production of these products of great nutritional value can be ensured by expanding its range, monitoring baking properties using appropriate research methods and technologies, increasing the competitiveness of products and increasing its export potential – one of the most promising areas of foreign economic trade for Kazakhstani commodity producers. In particular export plays an important role in the development of agricultural economy of the state. Its condition is an important indicator of the quality of ongoing economic reforms and implementation of agri-food policy.
About the Authors
G. К. JoldasbayevaKazakhstan
Joldasbayeva Gulnar K.; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Profes- sor of the Department of Economics and Management
010008 Tole bi str., 100, Almaty
B. Maydankyzy
Maydankyzy Bayan; Ph.D student
010008 Tole bi str., 100, Almaty
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For citations:
Joldasbayeva G.К., Maydankyzy B. Flour market in Kazakhstan: key aspects. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(1):105-112. https://doi.org/10.46666/2023-1.2708-9991.12