Production of meat and products of its processing in Kazakhstan: improving the quality and assortment
The goal is to summarize the results of the development of meat processing industry in Kazakhstan, to analyze market changes in domestic sausage market, including its total volume, the distribution of market share between producers by type of product, region, export and import, per capita consumption, consumer preferences, culture and profile of buyers.
Methods – for the analysis of primary and secondary information, desk and field methods of conducting marketing research were used, official statistics were studied, and a survey of industry specialists was conducted.
Results – the dynamics of sausage production in the Republic of Kazakhstan over the past five years was determined, the factors that contributed to its changes were identified. An analysis of the volumes of production of sausage products, meat processing, canning, the pace of development of the meat industry, the use of production capacities in the regions of the country is given. The structure of market, tastes of consumers, the level of competition, main trends, territorial location of manufacturers and sales directions are considered.
Conclusions – the consumption of sausages in Kazakhstan is more than 85.6 thousand tons, or 11 kg per capita per year. The largest number of manufactured and processed sausages is in the West Kazakhstan and East Kazakhstan regions. Over the past 5 years, in the republic as a whole, the increase was 1.9 times, which was facilitated by the growth in demand, the development of technologies, and small business. The authors note the absence of large producers, their fragmentation, as well as a number of problems associated with the shortage of raw materials, the irrational use of its secondary reserves, and the need to reduce losses. To increase the investment attractiveness of the meat processing industry, it is necessary to solve the economic problems of coordinating intersectoral relations related to attracting investment resources and their targeted
About the Authors
B. Zh. NurakhovaKazakhstan
Nurakhova Botagoz Zh; Ph.D; Associate Professor of the Scientific and Educational Department of Management and Marketing
050035 Zhandosova str., 55, Almaty
A. K. Burakhanova
Burakhanova Aigerim K.; Ph.d student
050035 Zhandosova str., 55, Almaty
G. K. Baizhaxynova
Baizhaxynova Gulshat K.; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Assistant Professor at the School of Hospitality and Tourism
050060 Rozybakieva str., 227, Almaty
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For citations:
Nurakhova B.Zh., Burakhanova A.K., Baizhaxynova G.K. Production of meat and products of its processing in Kazakhstan: improving the quality and assortment. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(1):151-160. (In Kazakh)