
Potato growing in the Akmola region of the Republic of Kazakhstan: situation analysis, priorities


Aim – recommendations on the current methodology for applying statistical and econometric approaches in the study of variables characterizing the efficiency of production of various crops, in particular potatoes.

Methods – economic and statistical for the study of economic phenomena and processes, comparison and generalization, logical.

Results – it is noted that the potato, as one of the most common and necessary food for humans, occupies an important place in production activities of agricultural enterprises. Based on official statistics, its production in the Akmola region from 2001 to 2021 was analyzed. A number of stability coefficients have been calculated. The directions of changes in the areas of crops are considered with the help of regression analysis. Using the linear equation method, analytical alignment of a number of production indicators was made, since it is a more rational method for studying the dynamics of such indicators as sown areas, productivity and gross harvest.

Conclusions – it was revealed that in many regions of Kazakhstan there is an unstable cultivation of potatoes, which is influenced by various factors: low level of agricultural technology, losses during storage and logistics, insufficient volumes of fertilizer application. In the potato industry of the republic, it is necessary to develop and implement programs to support potato producers, look for foreign sales channels and stimulate an increase in potato exports, revive seed production focused on growing high-yielding, droughtadapted, resistant to diseases and pests of domestic varieties. For these purposes, potato farms require additional investments, the attraction of which will provide an opportunity to carry out a number of organizational changes, increase the level of their intensification, improve product quality and, ultimately, increase its competitiveness.


About the Authors

D. T. Akhmetova
S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University

Akhmetova Dinara T.; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Associated Professor of the Department of Accounting and Finance

010011 Zhenis Ave., 62, Astana

R. M. Zhunusova
S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University

Zhunusova Raushan M.; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associated Professor; Associated Professor of the Department of Accounting and Finance

010011 Zhenis Ave., 62, Astana


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For citations:

Akhmetova D.T., Zhunusova R.M. Potato growing in the Akmola region of the Republic of Kazakhstan: situation analysis, priorities. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(1):131-138. (In Kazakh)

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