
Modern realities and trends in food security of the Republic of Kazakhstan


The problems of food self-sufficiency are global in the modern world. Quality food largely determines the health of the nation. In the context of global climate change, increasing food demand, depletion and scarcity of resources, pandemic, military conflicts, special attention should be paid to the aspects of sustainable economic growth. The article reflects approaches to the definition of the concept of "food independence" in the world, as well as its various components.

The goal is to study food issue, to study the indicators used to assess the global food security index (hereinafter referred to as GFSI).

Methods – set of statistical, theoretical and analytical methods was used.

Results – GFSI for 2022 is analyzed, Food Security Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2022-2024 and prospects for its development are considered.

Conclusions – the authors state that the republic is rising in the world ranking; this indicates the effective implementation of programs aimed to supply the country's citizens with affordable and high-quality products. Kazakhstan fully provides itself with such goods as flour, milk, meat, cereals, salt, sunflower oil. However, satisfaction of the needs of the population in canned food, sausage, fish and sugar has not yet reached the required level of domestic production. Despite the best government support measures, the share of processed goods is still low. Therefore, it is necessary to develop domestic agriculture and processing of agricultural products at a qualitatively new level. State support for agricultural producers should take into account regional aspects (natural and climatic conditions, territorial distribution of lands and level of their degradation). It is necessary to provide assistance through digitalization (installation and maintenance of appropriate systems; increase Internet coverage areas, etc.).

About the Authors

A. K. Adelbayeva
Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Adelbayeva Aiman K.; Ph.D student; Department of Economic Specialties

050010 Dostyk Ave., 13, Almaty

K. R. Kasen
Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Kasen Kanatbek R.; Doctor of Economic Science, Professor; Professorof of the Department of Economic Specialties

050010 Dostyk Ave., 13, Almaty

A. Duisenbekuly
Kh.A. Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

Duisenbekuly Abylay-khan; Ph.D student; Department of Public Administration and International Relations

161200 B. Sattakhanov Ave., 29, Turkestan


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For citations:

Adelbayeva A.K., Kasen K.R., Duisenbekuly A. Modern realities and trends in food security of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(1):41-49. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)