
State support for mineral fertilizer producers: ensuring balanced Growth


The article contains analytical material that contributes to the planning of financing production of fertilizers and agricultural sector as a whole as important factor in ensuring the country's food security.

The aim is to show the problems of existing production capacities and consumption of mineral fertilizers, volume of exports and imports in the Republic of Kazakhstan and other states, as well as measures taken by the state to support this area.

Methods – statistical analysis, comparison, synthesis, logical conclusion.

Results – the obtained results confirm the need to increase production of fertilizers in the Southern region of Kazakhstan, which has significant potential and advantages. The world and regional aspects are highlighted, which should be considered and require further research. The authors note that the Netherlands with population of 17 million people, having a territory 2.5 times smaller than the south of the republic, exports goods for the amount of about 450-600 billion USD, of which more than 100 billion dollars are agricultural products, the volume export of which is 2.5 times higher than the export capabilities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. More than 15 thousand hectares of greenhouses are located in this state (for comparison, in Kazakhstan there are about 1.8 thousand hectares), supplying the population with vegetables all year round.

Conclusions – the article discussed the importance of public support for a wide range of products, distribution network, vehicles and the need to improve financial mechanisms for sustainable development of the chemical industry. Particular attention is drawn to the need for government intervention to increase investment aimed at modernizing technological areas, creating new types of complex fertilizers with improved consumer properties, expanding infrastructure and applying tax incentives. The ultimate goal is to increase the volume of fertilizers, characterized by high quality and competitive prices, and increase soil fertility.

About the Authors

U. B. Nazarbek
M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University

Nazarbek Ulzhalgas B.; Ph.D, Associate Professor; Chief Researcher of the project AP09057884

160012 Tauke Khan Ave., 5, Shymkent

A. B. Aidarova
M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University

Aidarova Aina B.; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Professor of the Department of Economics

160012 Tauke Khan Ave., 5, Shymkent

Y. B. Raiymbekov
M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University

Raiymbekov Yerkebulan B.; Ph.D; Junior Researcher of the project AP09057884

160012 Tauke Khan Ave., 5, Shymkent


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Supplementary files


For citations:

Nazarbek U.B., Aidarova A.B., Raiymbekov Y.B. State support for mineral fertilizer producers: ensuring balanced Growth. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(1):88-95. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)