Sugar industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan: tax preferences and potential opportunities
Aim – stimulating factors for expanding the activities of sugar beet complex based on the development of a model of tax preferences are considered.
Methods – generalizations, analysis and synthesis, comparison of the necessary set of preferential instruments.
Results – the problematic aspects of sugar production based on the Descartes square are shown, the need for a qualitative revision of the preferential tax line to stimulate economic entities in sugar industry is proved. A system of tax breaks is proposed, taxes are presented, causal relationships are worked out, and the degree of their influence is substantiated.
Conclusions incentives for enterprises based on the proposed mechanism for providing benefits in the taxation system will significantly affect the increase in their activity. A comprehensive plan for the development of sugar industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2022-2026 and special tax regime together will achieve an increase in macroeconomic indicators of beet sugar production, increase the competitiveness of products, stabilize food security, activate the risk management system in the activities of business structures, increase budget revenues, will ultimately increase the intensification of agriculture in the republic as a whole. The authors note that the issue of expanding the scale of sugar industry due to high import dependence is relevant. Supplying the population of the country with sugar, mainly from domestic raw materials, is a state task that allows solving the problem of rational use of natural resources and supply of necessary components for food industry. The level of filling of local budgets depends on the stable operation of sugar factories, which makes it possible to maintain the infrastructure of settlements and maintain socia l stability in beet-growing regions. The qualitative side of beet cultivation in recent years has somewhat improved in terms of yield and planting density as a result of the use of modern equipment and technologies.
About the Authors
D. A. KaldiyarovKazakhstan
Kaldiyarov Daniyar A.; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Head of the Office of the Chairman of the Board of the Rector
040009 Tauelsizdik str., 187a, Taldykorgan
V. R. Burnasheva
Burnasheva Venera R.; Master of Economics; Lecturer at the Higher School of Law and Economics
040009 Tauelsizdik str., 187a, Taldykorgan
S. K. Yessengaziyeva
Yessengaziyeva Saule K.; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Head of the H.D.Churin Department of Management and Organization of Agribusiness
050100 Abaya Ave., 8, Almaty
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Supplementary files
For citations:
Kaldiyarov D.A., Burnasheva V.R., Yessengaziyeva S.K. Sugar industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan: tax preferences and potential opportunities. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(1):113-122. (In Russ.)