


The issues of the development of rural areas and social and labor sphere of the village, the creation of the necessary conditions for the life of the rural population are shown. Such statement of the problem in view of the transition from the traditional agricultural problem of fixing personnel to the territorial one requires the formation of new approaches that would allow considering the rural area as an integral system of the formation and reproduction of the labor resource potential. The estimation of the involvement of labor resources in agricultural production is presented, as well the need of the agricultural sector for professional personnel, stimulation of their inflow into the village, the factors of increasing the employment and incomes of the rural population, increasing its level and quality of life, creating agro-towns as centers of economic growth have been determined. Measures enhancing the increased motivation of labor activity in rural areas and the effective use of labor potential in agriculture are proposed. Possible options for the use of labor resources in the conditions of social and economic modernization of the rural economy, aimed at increasing labor productivity, ensuring productive employment in the countryside are proposed. The study made it possible to objectively assess the positive changes in the reproduction of labor potential of rural residents, especially youth and agricultural personnel, to monitor the value orientations of rural youth, to forecast the needs for workplaces by involving unused labor resources.

About the Authors

Ғ. Қалиев
Қaзaқcтaн Республикасының aуылшаруашылық ғылыми академиясы

Ч. Әкімбекова
Казақ агроөнеркәсіп кешені экономикасы және ауылдық аумақтарды дамыту ғылыми-зерттеу институты


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For citations:

, . Problems of AgriMarket. 2018;(2):7-13. (In Russ.)

Views: 210

ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)