
Selection and optimization of distribution channels for small-scale organic producers of fruits and vegetables


The purpose is to identify and analyze common sales channels for organic products, possibility of introducing alternative marketing strategies for its implementation for small-scale producers of the Almaty region who have made the transition to organic horticulture. The object of the study is international and Kazakhstani experience in building organizational and economic relations regarding production and sale of organic agricultural products. Methods – along with desk research methods, industry information from open access sources, scientific literature, and survey of business entities is summarized. Results – international experience in formation of system for distribution of environmentally friendly products is considered, chain of creation of its value, depending on scale of production, is determined. In Kazakhstan, where production of organic goods is about 20 years and is represented by large agricultural producers of exportoriented grain direction, indirect directions of trade in organic raw materials were accordingly involved. The emerging domestic market for eco-products, involvement of small producers in this sector requires the adoption of effective marketing programs and introduction of a wide range of direct deliveries. The possibilities of introducing such types of marketing as plan of proposals after receiving information about the needs of buyers "Organic box", community-supported farming (CSA - Community-supported agriculture), centralized sales management platform U-pick, organic farmers' markets and sales fairs, shops with organic farms, organic restaurants, public procurement, agritourism and e-commerce are justified. Conclusions – the choice of points for sale of organic products is important management decision that affects economic efficiency of agricultural enterprise. For producers with a small-scale economy, several distribution channels should be developed, when manufacturer works directly with consumers, ensuring close ties.

About the Authors

Ye. V. Klimov
Kazakh Research Institute of Economy of Agro-Industrial Complex and Rural Development

Klimov Yevgeniy Vladimirovich; Senior Researcher; Chairman of the Kazakhstan Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (KAZFOAM)

050057 Satpaev st r., 30B, Almaty

B. O. Assilov
S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University

Assilov Bakhyt Omirzakovich; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Marketing

010011 Zhenis Ave., 62, Astana


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For citations:

Klimov Ye.V., Assilov B.O. Selection and optimization of distribution channels for small-scale organic producers of fruits and vegetables. Problems of AgriMarket. 2022;(4):94-103. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)