The insurance system in AIC: advantages, structure, mechanisms
The market of agricultural products, raw materials and food is of great importance for the development of economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Its main purpose is to meet the needs for food. The protection of interests of agricultural producers cultivating grain, oilseeds, vegetables from the consequences of adverse natural conditions will be ensured by organization of insurance activities in crop production. The aim – is to evaluate modern system of voluntary insurance in crop production section of Kazakhstan and develop recommendations for its improvement. Methods – statistical, structuring of processed information, causal and comparative data analysis. Results – reducing the risks of economic entities from emergencies due to the increased amount of insurance of the sown area in the republic will make it possible to increase the amount of financing for agricultural entities, and additional resources will be directed to the effective functioning of AIC. Within three years, the country will diversify production of crop products by expanding the area of arable land occupied by agricultural crops. The study of foreign and domestic experience made it possible t o identify shortcomings in modern approaches to the system of voluntary insurance services and offer recommendations for improving methods of their application. Currently, public and private sectors are interested in the continuous expansion of agricultural insurance market in Kazakhstan. The standard for subsidizing part of insurance premium in agricultural sector has increased, which, in turn, will reduce cost of insurance policy for agricultural producers and make this resource even more accessible. Conclusions – positive aspects of modern mechanism of agricultural insurance include: availability of cost of insurance; guaranteed insurance payments; introduction of digital technologies; simplified scheme for recognition of insured events. However, it should be noted that not all existing risks are covered by insurance. To solve this problem, it is necessary to further improve the system of agricultural risk insurance.
About the Authors
S. N. SuieubayevaKazakhstan
Suieubayeva Saltanat Nurbolsynovna; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor at the School of Business and Entrepreneurship
070010 Serikbayev str., 19, Ust-Kamenogorsk
O. Denissova
Denissova Oxana; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor at the School of Business and Entrepreneurship
070010 Serikbayev str., 19, Ust-Kamenogorsk
J. Sloniec
Słoniec Jolanta; Ph.D; Associate Professor; Head of the Department of Enterprise Organization
20-618 Nadbystrzycka str., 38D, Lublin
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For citations:
Suieubayeva S.N., Denissova O., Sloniec J. The insurance system in AIC: advantages, structure, mechanisms. Problems of AgriMarket. 2022;(4):43-50.