Meat production in Abay district of Abay region of Kazakhstan in the context of intensification of technological processes in agro-industrial complex
The goal – is to analyze modern development of meat industry in Abay district of Abay region, identify advantages and disadvantages, as well as develop a set of measures for the effective functioning of meat and meat products market. Methods – balance, monographic, statistical and economic, settlement and constructive. Results – main indicators of development of livestock sector and meat industry of the region are considered, in particular, the share of crop and livestock production in the gross output of agricultural products (services) is shown; the number of livestock and poultry in all categories of farms, including cattle, sheep and goats, horses; production in slaughter weight; dynamics of the volume of processing of meat products. A comprehensive study made it possible to identify the problems of meat sub-complex associated with technical and technological backwardness of agricultural enterprises, the presence of inefficient and inactive economic entities, low competitiveness of meat products in foreign market, and the lack of financial resources. Conclusions – to obtain a wide range of meat products in the Abay district and in the whole region, it is necessary to take effective measures by creating a strong raw mat erial base for meat processing enterprises, developing market infrastructure, intensifying the pr ocesses of using processing enterprises of their own production capacities, while enterprises that provide a high degree of depth of processing of livestock and slaughter products will prevail at the lowest cost. An important role is played by improvement of state and ma rket regulation. For these purposes, it is necessary to develop a mechanism for increasing meat procurement. The main directions for the development of relations between agricultural producers and processing enterprises are an effective system of pricing, contractual relations, expanding the network of market infrastructure that provides technical, technological and organizational management of continuous supply to the consumer.
About the Authors
Sh. ZhailaubayevaKazakhstan
Zhailaubayeva Shynar; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance
F19A1T8 Shugaeva str., 159a, Semey
Zh. Kazhiyeva
Kazhieva Zhaniya; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance
F19A1T8 Shugaeva str., 159a, Semey
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For citations:
Zhailaubayeva Sh., Kazhiyeva Zh. Meat production in Abay district of Abay region of Kazakhstan in the context of intensification of technological processes in agro-industrial complex. Problems of AgriMarket. 2022;(4):128-135. (In Kazakh)