
Activities of the precision farming demonstration site


Precision farming is a new technology-based approach to agricultural management that observes, measures and analyzes the needs of specific fields and crops. The introduction of high performance systems can help farmers become more competitive by reducing production costs. The goal is to solve the issues of financial and economic activities of demonstration site on the use of accurate maps of fields with all their characteristics. Methods – economic and statistical, factor analysis, mathematical modeling. Results – economic justification for the activities of scientific and technical program "Transfer and adaptation of technologies for precision farming in production of crop products on the principle of "demonstration farms (polygons)" in the Akmola region" is presented based on data from the activity of production and demonstration site of precision farming RPCGF A.I. Baraev for 2018-2020; method for determining the indicators of efficiency and financial solvency of enterprise in the system of precision farming is proposed; investment financial and economic model of demonstration site was developed and implemented. Conclusions – in the RPCGF A.I. Baraev, the average yield of spring wheat for 2015-2017 amounted to 13.9 c/ha, 2018-2019 - 18.9 c/ha, increase of 36%. For 2018-2019 for spring wheat, the profitability of sales was at the level of 25.9%, profitability of production was 50.9%, which is 2-3 times higher than in 2015-2017. The economic effect will come in the 7th year of operation of this exemplary complex, taking into account the allocated subsidies, in their absence, the project will pay off in the 9th year of using this platform. The net present value of a start-up with and without subsidies is negative, which means that the site does not cover the costs for 10 years of operation, taking into account discounted rates. In this regard, the authors draw attention to the need to improve the existing measures of public support for the system of regulation of crop productivity.

About the Authors

N. N. Ibrishev
Kazakh Research Institute of Economy of Agro-Industrial Complex and Rural Development

Ibrishev Nurman Nurseitovich; Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Chief Researcher

050057 Satpaev str., 30б, Almaty

R. Zh. Kalgulova
L.B. Goncharov Kazakh Automobile and Road Institute

Kalgulova Roza Zhumakhmetovna; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor; Head of the Department of Economics

050061 Rayymbek Ave., 415B, Almaty

T. A. Aiypova
L.B. Goncharov Kazakh Automobile and Road Institute

Aiypova Tolkyn Askarovna; Master of Economic Sciences; Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economics

050061 Rayymbek Ave., 415B, Almaty


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For citations:

Ibrishev N.N., Kalgulova R.Zh., Aiypova T.A. Activities of the precision farming demonstration site. Problems of AgriMarket. 2022;(4):136-147. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)