
Personnel potential of agricultural sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan: assessment of the current situation


Relevance – human resource potential of the country is integral part of resource reserves and has impact on socio-economic development of the States and regions. The main goal of the country's economic and personnel policy is to improve quality of personnel in all sectors of economy, including agricultural sector. The goal is to consider the problems of personnel provision in AIC by applying methodological and scientific approaches. Objectives – determination of factors affecting the level and quality of training of agricultural specialists; development of proposals for the formation of qualified and competitive personnel in the countryside. Methods – analysis and synthesis, absolute and relative indicators, abstract-logical, economic-statistical. The empirical basis of the study is the data of the Department of Statistics of the Eurasian Economic Commission, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as scientific publications on this topic. Results – in the course of the study, analysis was made of the ratio of urban and rural residents for 2017-2021, the number of employed people, average monthly wage for various types of economic activity. Based on a questionnaire survey, reasons for the unwillingness of young people to work in rural areas were identified, and a list of professions and specialties that will be in demand in the future is given. Conclusions – for the development and improvement of personnel planning in agricultural sector, it is necessary to raise the prestige of rural professions; create monitoring and management system for experienced competent workers of agro-industrial complex.

About the Authors

E. O. Kydyrbaeva
I. Zhansugurov Zhetysu University

Kydyrbaeva Elmira Omirserikovna; Ph.D; Associate Professor of the Management and State Government Educational Program

040009 Zhansugurova str., 187A, Taldykorgan

S. K. Baidybekova
I. Zhansugurov Zhetysu University

Baidybekova Saltanat Kenzhebaevna; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Associate Professor of Accounting and Finance Educational Program

040009 Zhansugurova str., 187A, Taldykorgan

B. K. Shomshekova
I. Zhansugurov Zhetysu University

Shomshekova Balhiya Kulmesovna; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Associate Professor of Accounting and Finance Educational Program

040009 Zhansugurova str., 187A, Taldykorgan


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For citations:

Kydyrbaeva E.O., Baidybekova S.K., Shomshekova B.K. Personnel potential of agricultural sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan: assessment of the current situation. Problems of AgriMarket. 2022;(4):190-196. (In Russ.)

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