
Water resources of Kazakhstan as a factor in the growth of agro-industrial production in the context of transition to "green" economy


The purpose – is to show the state of water resources, their use as a factor in the growth of AIC and development of water strategy of Kazakhstan. Statistical indicators that have direct impact and significantly affect the effectiveness of management of water sources in the republic are systematized. Methods – economic-mathematical, predictive calculations in order to solve the problems of water supply for national economic needs of the country with high-quality drinking water. Results – the degree of development of this topic in scientific works of domestic and foreign environmental scientists and economists was studied. Particular factors are determined on the basis of econometric model in the form of joint equations, their significance for the future is proved and justified. It is proposed to analyze the situation that has developed in the system of water objects of agricultural sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of implementation of "green" economy projects with the help of multifactorial probabilistic-statistical models that characterize the mechanism of functioning of socio-econometric system. Statistical series of initial data were compiled, presented by the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Conclusions – it is noted that agriculture is the most water-intensive sector, characterized by the greatest losses of water during its transportation and use. The authors recommend that farmers implement innovative methods to improve irrigation efficiency with more sustainable water harvesting. It was revealed that primary reasons for the growing shortage of used water objects are worn-out infrastructure, the use of outdated technologies in construction of water supply networks. The results of calculations of management of structural economic-mathematical model for the analysis and forecasting of ec onomic processes of different levels for the period 2022-2025 are obtained.

About the Authors

D. Saparova
Turan-Astana University

Saparova Dana; Ph.D student of the Department of Economics and Business

010000 Ykylas Dukenuly str., 29, Astana

S. Saginova
Kazakh University of Technology and Business

Saginova Saniya; Ph.D; Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Tourism

010000 Mukhamedkhanov str., 37 A, Astana


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For citations:

Saparova D., Saginova S. Water resources of Kazakhstan as a factor in the growth of agro-industrial production in the context of transition to "green" economy. Problems of AgriMarket. 2022;(4):86-93. (In Russ.)

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