Economic efficiency of laying a new line Gazhayyp 57-06 of the Mugalzhar breed of horses for breeding in the conditions of the Northern region of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The line of the outstanding stallion Gazhayyp 57-06 was laid in Karatomar LLP of the North Kazakhstan region. Horses are characterized by a general harmonious build, an elongated body, a long straight muscular neck, and a dense constitution. The genetic potential for live weight of stallions reaches 600 kg, and mares – 520 kg. Their important quality is a higher live weight, correct addition and massiveness. The color of the horses is red (70%), dark red (30%). According to the results of research in 2019-2021 it was found that growing and sale of such stallions is economically feasible. The goal is to breed a stallion of a new pedigree in order to preserve the outstanding productive qualities of the proband in the descendants. Methods – factory methods of linear selection are used for the first time when laying a line in herd horse keeping. Results – it is shown that classic factory methods, with the methods modified by the authors, are applicable when providing herd conditions. The stallions obtained from breeding in the breeding farms of the North Kazakhstan and Akmola regions are highly evaluated. Their sons and grandchildren are sold in farms at a high price. Conclusions – breeding of linear horses Gazhayyp 57-06 in various regions of Kazakhstan is highly profitable, has a significant impact on the growth of horse meat production in year-round grazing conditions and has great potential for obtaining e nvironmentally friendly products. To provide the population with dietary meat, to expand the range of meat products, a significant increase in livestock is necessary.
About the Authors
A. A. TorekhanovKazakhstan
Torekhanov Aibyn Adepkhanovich; Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor; Chairman of the Board
050035 Zhandosov str., 51, Almaty
G. T. Baktybayev
Baktybayev Gabiden Temirovich; Master of Agricultural Sciences; Researcher
050035 Zhandosov str., 51, Almaty
A. B. Baymukhanov
Baymukhanov Askar Borankulovich; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Head of the Department of Development of Processing and Logistics of Agricultural Products
050057 Satpayev str., 30-б, Almaty
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For citations:
Torekhanov A.A., Baktybayev G.T., Baymukhanov A.B. Economic efficiency of laying a new line Gazhayyp 57-06 of the Mugalzhar breed of horses for breeding in the conditions of the Northern region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2022;(3):90-97. (In Russ.)