
Topical issues of public support for agricultural sector of Kazakhstan


Due to the specific features inherent in agriculture, public support is a prerequisite for the development of modern agro-industrial production and food market, and achievement of the country's food security. In the context of globalization of socio-economic processes, it is impossible to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of domestic agricultural sector without strengthening public financial assistance. Purpose – main directions of state regulation of agroindustrial complex are considered, which make it possible to stimulate the growth of labor productivity, ensure rational consumption rates, economic and physic al availability of food products, combination of imports and domestic production, and realize export potential. Methods – analytical, comparative analysis, generalization, logistical, systematic approach. Results – it is noted that the State is pursuing a systemic institutional policy. Taking into account international requirements, Kazakhstan is building a new system of financing AIC. Problems that need to be addressed as soon as possible are shown: low solvency of the population, significant difference in the level and quality of life of urban and rural residents, underdeveloped market infrastructure, shortage of qualified specialists in rural areas, the need to improve pricing mechanism, and low degree of investment activity. Conclusions – significant amount of allocated state funds are oriented to support crop and livestock production sectors, modernize agricultural machinery, use modern technologies in order to increase competitiveness of agricultural products in Kazakhstani and international markets. When implementing agricultural policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the experience and trends in development of agricultural production in developed countries, its profitability are taken into account.

About the Authors

K. Zhumaxanova
L.B. Goncharov Kazakh Automobile and Road Institute

Zhumaxanova Karlygash Muratovna; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Associate Professor of the Department of Economics

050061 Raimbek Ave., 414 a, Almaty

R. Yessenzhigitova
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Yessenzhigitova Raigul Gazymbekovna; Senior lecturer of the Department of Management

050000 Karasaibatyrstr., 95a, Almaty

R. Duiskenova
Kazakh University of Transportation Communication

Duiskenova Raigul; Master of Economic Sciences; Senior Lecturer of the Department of Business and Management»

05006, Mamyrmicrodistrict 1, 21/1, Almaty


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For citations:

Zhumaxanova K., Yessenzhigitova R., Duiskenova R. Topical issues of public support for agricultural sector of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2022;(4):33-42. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 1817-728X (Print)
ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)