
Labor potential of the village as factor of increasing the competitiveness of AIC complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan


The current problems of the effective use of labor potential of rural areas, farms (peasant farms), personal subsidiary plots, contributing to the increase in the competitiveness of agricultural sector of Kazakhstan, and ensuring the country's food security are considered. Assessment of structural transformations that have taken place in agriculture and their impact on development of labor potential of rural areas is given. The analysis of the level of diversification of production in agroindustrial complex by regions, the use of sown areas by agricultural producers in recent years. Calculated gross agricultural output of the republic in the period 2015-2019, including in sectoral breakdown: livestock and crop production. It is noted that the growth of the competitiveness of agroindustrial production depends on the increase in the efficiency of functioning of agricultural entities, as well as personal households. The authors identified the factors that hinder the development of households of the population. The results of calculations of effective management of private household plots based on grouping are presented, depending on the number of family members, livestock and the size of the areas required for growing crops in personal subsidiary plots. The main directions of increasing the competitiveness of the country's economy as a whole, including agroindustrial complex, have been determined. Significant arguments are given for the development of a competitive environment on markets of agricultural products and raw materials in the interests of the end consumer of goods, works and services, contributing to the rational use of resource opportunities, achievement of national welfare at relatively low costs of production and circulation.

About the Authors

G. I. Nurzhanova
JSC «Financial Academy»

 Nurzhanova Gulmira Islamovna; PhD student

NurSultan, 020000 Ilyas Esenberlin str. 25 

A. Zh. Kasenova
JSC «Financial Academy»

 Kasenova Asiya Zhandarbekovna; Candidate of Economic Sciences; Head of the Department "Economics and Management"

Nur-Sultan, 020000 Ilyas Esenberlin str. 25 

R. E. Suleimanov
JSC «Financial Academy»

 Suleimanov Rustam Eduardovich; PhD student

NurSultan, 020000 Ilyas Esenberlin str. 25


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For citations:

Nurzhanova G.I., Kasenova A.Zh., Suleimanov R.E. Labor potential of the village as factor of increasing the competitiveness of AIC complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2021;(1):155-162. (In Russ.)

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