
Journal History

The journal has been published since 1994


The founder of theoretical and scientific-practical journal "Problems of AgriMarket" is the LLP "Kazakh Research Institute of Economy of Agro-Industrial Complex and Rural Development" (KazRIE AIC and RD)

8 (727) 245 36 20;

8 (727) 245 35 87



The journal is registered at the Ministry of Culture, Information and Public Accord of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Mass media registration certificate No. 1327 dated February 11, 1999.


The certificate of re-registration of a periodical, news agency and online publication was issued by the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Information Committee No. KZ49VPY00026113 dated 24.08.2020.   The certificate of re-registration of a periodical printed publication, news agency and online publication was issued by the Republican State Institution "Information Committee of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan" No. KZ09VPY00089107 dated March 15, 2024.


Subscription index 76006 in "Kazpost" JSC. Contract N249900-1018-5750 dated 13.02.2018.


The journal is included into the List of publications recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the RK for publication of the main results of scientific activity for the Ph.D degree, academic titles of associate professor and professor in the area of "Economic Sciences" (orders of the Committee for Control in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RK No. 52 dated  28.01. 2021, No. 471 dated 08.06. 2021).


The Editorial Board includes scientists from foreign countries, which makes it possible to expand the information space for interaction of domestic researchers in scientific field.


The journal is registered at the International Center for Registration of ISSN Serials (UNESCO, Paris, France), the journal has been assigned a number

ISSN 1817 - 728X (Print)

ISSN 2708-9991 (Online)


Articles published in the journal are assigned a DOI digital object identifier through CrossRef.


Online system for submitting and reviewing of articles has been developed. To submit an article online, you should use the link:, familiarize yourself with the Rules for submitting an article and reviews to the site and the Guide for authors on article formatting.


A licensed plagiarism checking system is used.


The search engine is working.


Log availability - the log provides an immediate open access to your content.


The frequency of the journal - is 4 issues per year (quarterly).



  • RU - Russian scientific information and analytical portal;
  • Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI), Contract No. 788-12/2015 of 01.12.2015. Two-year impact factor of the journal in RSCI including citations from all sources for 2023г.-0,953;
  • Unified Electronic Library, Kazakhstan;
  • Kazakhstan citation base. Agreement on mutual cooperation N27 from 28.06.2024 was concluded for a new term. Impact factor of the journal in KBC for 2020. - 0,633;
  • РИНЦ Science Index;
  • Crossref Content Registration;
  • Semantic Scholars.